
Prof. dr. Lutgarde Buydens as Dean of the Faculty of Science

Radboud University

Lutgarde Buydens will be taking over as the new Dean of the Faculty of Science, Radboud University. Buydens is a Professor of Analytical Chemistry and develops innovative methods and strategies for extracting information from extensive chemical and biological data sets.

Prof. dr. Lutgarde Buydens

Prof. dr. Martha Larson

Radboud University

Martha Larson has been appointed Professor of Multimedia Information Technology at Radboud University.

Prof. dr. Martha Larson

Prof. dr. Agnes Akkerman

Radboud University

Agnes Akkerman is benoemd tot hoogleraar Arbeidsmarkt Instituties en Arbeidsrelaties aan de Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen van de Radboud Universiteit.

Prof. dr. Agnes Akkerman

Prof. dr. Marja Spierenburg

Radboud University

Marja Spierenburg has been appointed professor of Development Studies at the Radboud University Faculty of Social Sciences.

Prof. dr. Marja Spierenburg

Prof. dr. Ronit Shiri-Sverdlov

Maastricht University

Ronit Shiri-Sverdlov is benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar “Hepatic Inflammation and Metabolic Health”, ingesteld door de Stichting Wetenschapsbeoefening Universiteit Maastricht - Faculty of Health Medicine and Life sciences.

Prof. dr. Ronit Shiri-Sverdlov

Prof. dr. Manuela Joore

Maastricht University

Manuela Joore is benoemd tot bijzonder hoogleraar “Health Technology Assessment and Decision Making”, ingesteld door de Stichting Wetenschapsbeoefening Universiteit Maastricht - Faculty of Health Medicine and Life sciences.