Dr. Shyama Venkata Ramani

Dr. Shyama Venkata Ramani

Research and teaching mandate (leeropdracht) • Role of technology and innovation in development: o Evolution of the nanotechnology sectors in India; o Evolution of the biotechnology sectors in India; o Strategies for catching-up in the post-TRIPS era; o Innovation in delivery platforms of essential commodities like water; sanitation and medicines to the BoP (Bottom of pyramid) communities • Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Entrepreneurship: o Reinforcing the CSR component in innovation strategies; o
Expertise Economics of innovation, Development Economics, Applied Game Theory
Email ramani@merit.unu.edu


Universiteit Maastricht (UM)

Discipline• Role of technology and innovation in development: o Evolution of the nanotechnology sectors in India; o Evolution of the biotechnology sectors in India; o Strategies for catching-up in the post-TRIPS era; o Innovation in delivery platforms of essential commodities like water; sanitation and medicines to the BoP (Bottom of pyramid) communities • Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Entrepreneurship: o Reinforcing the CSR component in innovation strategies; o

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