Prof. dr. Marloes Kleinjan

Prof. dr. Marloes Kleinjan

Research and teaching mandate (leeropdracht) The chair focuses on research on Youth Mental Health Promotion. The aim are to: 1. identify risk factors and risk profiles for mental health problems, 2. develop, test and implement youth mental health promotion and prevention programs and strategies, and 3. transfer knowledge on youth mental health promotion strategies through teaching and other means of knowledge transfer
Expertise mental health, substance use, epidemiology, prevention, health promotion


Universiteit Utrecht (UU)

FacultySocial and Behavioural Sciences
DepartmentCultural Diversity & Youth
Type of professorFull Professor
DisciplineThe chair focuses on research on Youth Mental Health Promotion. The aim are to: 1. identify risk factors and risk profiles for mental health problems, 2. develop, test and implement youth mental health promotion and prevention programs and strategies, and 3. transfer knowledge on youth mental health promotion strategies through teaching and other means of knowledge transfer
  Utrecht, Nederland

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