On October 9th, the Annual LNVH Affiliates’ meeting took place at the KIT – Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam. The theme of this year’s meeting was "Catalyzing change through collective impact". The LNVH was delighted to welcome three inspiring speakers: Marieke Adriaanse (Professor of Behavioral Interventions in Population Health at Leiden University and expert in Open Science and an alternative approach to recognition and rewards in academia), Daphne Stam (Associate Professor in Planetary Sciences and advocate for a socially safer academic landscape, until recently at TU Delft) and Semiha Denktaş (Professor of Psychology and Chief Diversity Officer at Erasmus University Rotterdam, expert on how to build an inclusive academic working environment).
The LNVH affiliates were welcomed in the beautiful historic halls of the KIT with a drink and had the opportunity to catch up and network. Henri van Eeghen, CEO of the KIT, opened the evening by giving an introduction on the history and the current activities and objectives of the KIT. In between courses of the diner, set in the magnificent Marble Hall of the KIT, Daphne Stam, Semiha Denktas and Marieke Adriaanse inspired us with their speeches and the way they shared their personal experiences and knowledge. Afterwards, the participants delved deeper into the themes of social safety, Recognition & rewards and the advancement of women in academia in relation to broader D&I strategies. Facilitated by Paulien Boone of Het Debatbureau, the attendees engaged with their table companions in discussions about these three topics and explored how we can make an impact in these areas, both as a network and as individuals.
All together, the affiliates’ meeting was an inspiring event.