
LNVH Founders

The Dutch Network of Women Professors (Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren - LNVH) began life informally in the nineties, and became a foundation ('stichting') on the 9th of August 2001. Three board members worked relentlessly on getting structural funding and establishing the network.

Els Goulmy 9-8-2001 / 1-5-2012
Els Goulmy was appointed professor of Transplant Biology (Leiden University Medical Centre) in 1999. In 2002 she received the ‘Spinozapremie’ for her work in this field. On the first of May 2012, after being president and board member of the LNVH for more than ten years, Goulmy retired.

Tineke Willemsen 1-9-2001 / 1-9-2008
Tineke Willemsen was appointed professor of Work and Organizational Psychology (Tilburg University) in 2002. Her research focused on gender bias in selection and recruitment procedures.

Bertien Collette 1-9-2001 / 1-9-2007
Bertien Collette was appointed professor of Epidemiology (Utrecht University) in 1989. In 2002 she was awarded with the Corrie Hermann Prize (Dutch Womens Physicians Association), for her contribution in detecting cervical and breast cancer.